Friday, August 15, 2014

Two Months

It's hard to believe that just two months ago this little BEAUTY was born. Which reminds me  one of these days I really have to sit down and recant that little story of mine or should  I say Zoe's story.
Anywho here are my favorite shots from Zoe's two month shoot.

Dear Baby girl yes you look very peaceful in this picture but let me tell you... you put up a fight! It took me nearly two hours to get this shot. I had to do some serious cuddling and lets not mention how I sang every song I know. You know you actually really love it when I sing to you, there are times when you're super fussy and daddy doesn't know what to do. Well baby girl all I have to do is cuddle/ sing to you and you're all better. Do you know how happy that makes me? I love that connection I have with you. Please never forget that! Especially when you're a teenager and I despise the boy you're "in love" with! Or better yet I don't allow you to leave the house dressed like the above picture!! COVER UP YOUNG LADY!! Yup I'm already prepping for it!
At two months you're sleeping 3-4 hour stretches.. I mean yaii.. its better than the two hour ones you were doing as a  newborn. But umm can we please start adding some hours on to that? K thanks! Also you really hate to nap during the day... not cool totally not cool! Way to let me know that really my world revolves around you!!
The above mentioned .. about you not sleeping and stuff .. let me tell you it all melts away when you start cooing or you give me a smile. I die!! You just started doing that and well I love it! Just as much as you love looking at yourself in the mirror. Yup you're my daughter!!
Yes your mother is crazy sorry kid you got stuck with me! FYI I'll continue to dress you as a please and do these crazy photoshoots  for.. well as long as I can! Okay that's all for today I'm already getting a bit  teary eyed.. the other day I got really sad as I put away all of your NB clothes.. you've officially outgrown them :(

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